Free Printable Scripture Memory Cards

Do you want to memorize more scripture verses but need a little extra help? These free printable scripture memory cards are perfect to keep handy while memorizing a particular bible verse.

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Free Printable Scripture Memory Cards

Scripture Memory Cards are a great tool for committing bible verses to memory. Listed below you will find scripture cards for verses to memorize by month or by theme or for a specific occasion or struggle.

Why Memorize Scripture

There are many reasons why people memorize scripture. One of the most common reasons is to be able to recite it when they need to, such as in a church service or when someone is in need.

Some people memorize scripture because they feel like it will give them peace and comfort. Memorizing scripture can also be seen as a way of honoring God and His Word.

Memorizing scripture can also be used as a way to stay focused the things that are important to you, your life goals, or your future plans.

Monthly Scripture Memory Cards

Memorizing scripture is a great way to stay grounded in the word of God. Setting a monthly scripture memory goal is a great way to stay on track when you want to commit a certain amount of verses to memory in a year. The following sets of monthly verses have printable cards that you can carry with you to practice your verses daily.


The beginning of a new year always feels so fresh. It seems like the perfect time to make resolutions and develop new habits. These January Scripture Memory Cards include six verses about new beginnings.


April really is a great time to begin the habit of memorizing scripture. It may not be the beginning of a new year, but it is the beginning of a new season. It is a time for spring cleaning. It is also the perfect time to do some mental cleaning as well, and there is no better way to do that than with the “washing of water by the Word.” These Free Printable April Scripture Memory Cards include six verses about Spring and Rain.


Memorize even more scripture in the month of July with these free printable July Scripture Memory Cards. Memorize these six bible verses about freedom with these handy verse cards to carry with you.


August is the perfect time to talk about strengthening our minds. The kids are going back to school. Even for many homeschoolers, it is the beginning of the homeschool year or the beginning of homeschool co-op. Everyone will be sharpening up, why not us moms? The bible clearly links our thoughts to peace! If we want peace, we must take control of our thoughts. These free printable August Scripture Memory Cards included verses that will remind us to renew and manage our minds!

Themed Scripture Memory Cards

Seasonal Scripture Memory Cards


Fall is absolutely my favorite season of the year. I love the brisk air, the change in colors and the harvest foods. Fall seems to bring more of a sense of change than any other season for me. It causes me to be reflective. Harvest is a common theme this time of year. Harvest is a time when you reap what you have sown. You store up the bounty of the harvest for the coming winter ahead. Enjoy this season with these free printable Fall Scripture memory cards that include six verses about harvest and the latter rain.

Special Event Scripture Memory Cards

Holiday Scripture Memory Cards

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