For foster parents, the holidays can be a difficult time. Here are some tips on how to make the holidays special for your foster child while also being sensitive to their needs.

For foster children, it can be a difficult time if they’re not able to go home for the holidays

Talk to your caseworker specifically about the holiday season for your child

If your foster child/children are old enough talk to them about what they would like to do for the holidays

Be sure to find out what traditions are important to your foster child and see if there are ways that you can incorporate them into your holiday celebration

This will be an opportunity for you to introduce your foster child to your family traditions and help them enjoy the holiday

Foster children often do better when they know what to expect. It will help them set expectations for family visits so there will be no surprises

Set realistic expectations for yourself as a foster parent and for your foster child/children. You can do your best, and that is all

Take some time for yourself. The holiday season can be both wonderful and stressful, but it’s important to remember that you’re not alone