It’s a great opportunity to catch up with friends, enjoy some holiday cheer, and of course, sample a variety of delicious Christmas cookies!

A fun and festive way to celebrate the holidays, enjoy an afternoon of cookies, and go home with a variety of different cookies

Planning the guest list for your cookie exchange, twelve families is the magic number.  Then each family can bring 2 dozen cookies.

Planning a venue, make sure you have tables large enough to accommodate large platters of cookies

Choose a date for your cookie party close enough to the holidays so everyone is feeling festive, but not too close to Christmas Day.

Along with the invitations be sure to send a letter with specific instructions about what each family is supposed to bring

How many cookies should each family bring? If you have 12 families attending, each family will bring two dozen cookies

How to exchange; allow a representative from each family to go through the line with a box to fill with one of each type of cookie

Make a keepsake, if all the guests bring their recipes on an index card, you can use some ribbon to tie them all together for a book of cookie recipes.