Faith That Sets You Free – Rooted Devotional Series

Are you looking for free printable verse cards about Faith? Read this devotional about Faith that sets you free and use the free printable faith verses for your monthly scripture memory focus.

When you are in a battle the shield of faith is a formidable weapon. Excellent devotion about what faith does.

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I remember sitting in a hospital room with my baby girl wondering if we would ever make it home.  She had just been readmitted after only four days at home after the last six-night stay.  My little girl was getting worse instead of better.  My faith was weak, to say the least.

Free Printable Verse Cards about Faith

When I need to recall scri

Active Faith is a Formidable Weapon

I in the story at the begining of this post, I was clearly in a battle, and I was losing.  I was physically exhausted and mentally discouraged when I cried out to God to remember His promises to me.  That is the moment when the tide of the battle turned.  As I prayed scripture after scripture aloud in that hospital room, I remembered that I was not relying on my own abilities but on the faithfulness of a living God.  It was then that I pulled my shield of faith up over myself and let it bridge the gap between my circumstance and God’s promises to me.

This devotional post was written as a part of the Rooted Devotional Series on  Read the full devotional post here!

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When you are in a battle the shield of faith is a formidable weapon. Excellent devotion about what faith does.
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